Contract Specs

BTC Options

Underlying AssetBTC
ExpiryDaily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly
Exercise StyleCash settled European options
Underlying IndexSyndr BTC/USD Index
Contract Size0.001 BTC
Min order size0.001 BTC or 1 contract
Tick Size1 USD
Base currencyBTC
Quote currencyUSD
Initial Margin(IM)Long Call/Put: None; Short Call: size * ( max(0.15 - otmRatio, 0.1) + markPrice ); Short Put: size * ( max(0.15 - otmRatio, 0.1) + markPrice )
Maintenance Margin(MM)Long Call/Put: None; Short Call: size * (0.075 + markPrice); Short Put: size * ( max(0.075, 0.075 * markPrice) + markPrice )

Trading Fees

Maker FeesTaker Fees
BTC Options0.03% of notional0.05% of notional

note: Options fees can never be higher than 12.5% of the options price.